Above are some of our favorite cases
Know of someone who ought to be included in the Halls of Shame or Fame? Send us your names! |
A-G | H-O | P-Z |
Jeff Peckman
James Randi Coming Soon!
Jonathan Reed, stuck an alien in the fridge and
Harold Chacon Rodriguez
Stan Romanek
Michael Salla
Ray Santilli and the Alien Autopsy Film
Donald Schmitt, Medical illustrator or Postman?
David Sereda - stub for dB with a nice quote
Coming Soon!
Lee Shargel, talks to alien dolphins
Jim Sparks Coming Soon!
Robert A.M. Stephens, the SEAL wannabe
Wendelle Stevens
Clifford Stone Coming Soon!
Pamela Stonebrooke, has sex with reptilians
Dr. Jill Tarter, can't tell a UFO from the Moon
Dirk Vander Ploeg
Fife Symington New!
Alfred Webre New!
Prophet Yahweh
This our little Grey Box. Or maybe it's a Grey Basket. In any case, sometimes things get a little weird. We can't really tell whether someone is lying or not. Or maybe they are lying, but they do so consistently. Or maybe they have a foot in both camps, The Hall of Shame AND The Hall of Fame. It's not impossible, and for those folks where things are a bit dicey, we award a 'Grey Box' and solicit some second opinions. Have one? Let us know! |
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