UFOlogy's Own Worst Enemy

A classic UFO Watchdog article (c) by Royce Myers, III

A military nerve gas attack on an underground alien base, a supposed "de-briefing" from the CIA on UFOs, vectoring in UFOs, remote viewing aliens, and communing with 'ET elders'. Who is the nut spouting this non-sense you might be asking? It'd be none other than self-proclaimed ambassador to the universe and all things UFO...

These are just some of the unfounded claims being touted by Steven Greer, the founder of an organization calling itself the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). But the latest claim being made by Greer is just as wild.

Courtesy of late night radio personality Art Bell (the man responsible for promoting Sean David Morton, the Hale-Bopp Hoax, and then Reed UFO Fraud), Greer claimed SETI was receiving alien signals. Though SETI personnel adamantly deny Greer's accusations, Greer claimed that he had several...uh-hum...inside sources telling him that SETI was being barraged by extraterrestrial signals when an unknown agency is alleged to have started jamming the signals.

Yep, the cover-up was on once again with Greer not being able to name his supposed insider sources, not providing a speck of evidence, and Greer once again representing "the truth" about UFOs.

See, "the truth" to those in UFOlogy who perpetrate mythos and indulge in fantasy for personal and /or financial reason at the expense of others have made "the truth" most convenient. An incredible event is reported to have happened, the bad guys are always at work covering things up, nameless and faceless so-called insider sources provide the info, and "the truth" is always in danger of being kept locked away in a secret, dark place where those who propose to be seeking "the truth" only dare tread.

Greer is quick with "the truth" and how the field of UFOlogy is often marginalized and subjected to ridicule while the facelss and nameless bad guys rush in to cover it all up. The reality here is one need not look any further than Greer (among others) for the real problem the UFO field is faced with: The charlatans , delusional personalities, and outright sensationlists who are taking center stage with their completely unfounded and often times exaggerated claims, citing of anonymous sources, and offering of not a shred of tangible evidence as to those claims. Always convenient.

Steven Greer is not my ambassador and does not represent me - neither do the other lunatics out there spouting off sensationalistic claims, anonymous sources, and an a wide variety of other alien crap. If anyone is participating in a UFO cover-up of any kind or is contributing to weighing the subject down in an endless mire of embarrassment, it'd be Greer and his ilk who have made it all the easier to quickly dismiss the UFO subject as pure fantasy.

Now in the spirit of helping to move the UFO subject forward, here are what I see as three very helpful things Steven Greer should do for the good of UFOlogy:


Greer's Legal Problems with the UFO Coalition
So-Called 'CIA Briefing' On UFOs Apparently Exaggerated By Greer

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