
The Reed Files

A classic UFO Watchdog article (c) by Royce Myers, III

Part VI

During the course of this hoax, there have been a lot of people claiming to have thoroughly investigated "Dr.Jonathan Reed". They claimed to have spoken to witnesses, relatives of "Dr.Reed", former co-workers, friends, and so on. Let take a look at all of the people involved in this hoax, by intention or otherwise:


reed otro


JOHN BRADLEY RUTTER (aka Dr.Jonathan Reed): The man behind the hoax. Rutter claimed, and apparently not for the first time, that he was a child psychiatrist employed by the University of Washington. Rutter has no medical or psychiatric credentials to his name and is reported to have never graduated from college.

Claiming to have been forced underground after an alien encounter, Rutter was found to be living in Seattle, Washington the entire time.


robert raith tv

ROBERT ARIA (aka Robert Raith): Aria originally appeared alone on the late night program Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and told of the alleged alien encounter of "Dr.Reed". It was later discovered that Aria was not a professional writer and was employed as a clerk at a west Seattle Chevron gas station. A few folks from the Seattle area recognized Aria while he was at work and went to confront him. Aria reportedly ran out the back door of the store. A MUFON investigator looking into this case knew Aria as she'd actually had dinner with him and Harold Chacon and her brother-in-law works at the same gas station...

 chacon distortedHAROLD CHACON RODRIGUEZ (aka Dr.Harold Chacon, 'Mario'): Chacon alleged that he was a microbiologist that had completed DNA analysis work on alleged blood and tissue from "Dr.Reed's" alien. Chacon claimed that he possessed a degree in Microbiology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. This institution offers no such degree and not only was Chacon found to not be a doctor of any kind, it was discovered that Chacon also worked at the same west Seattle Chevron as a clerk that Robert Aria is employed at. Both have been coworkers for at least 5 years. Iaria claimed that Chacon had been assaulted by government agents and ran out of the country...

chris fine LAWRENCE ARTHUR SIEBER (aka Larry Arthur): Sieber was reported to have appeared on late night radio playing the part of Larry 'Arthur'. He claimed to be "Dr.Reed's" former landlord and to have witnessed the aftermath of government agents ransacking "Dr.Reed's" house. It has been reported Sieber was never Rutter's landlord and that he and Rutter are friends. It has also been reported that Rutter and Sieber built a sound studio in Sieber's home. This would account for the photos showing "Dr.Reed" in a sound studio. Iaria claimed that "Larry Arthur" had been the victim of the government bad guys and had been paralyzed...


chris fine CHRISTINE FINE: Fine was interviewed in 1998 and claimed to be the business manager for "Reed" and "Raith". Fine stated that she had put "Reed" and "Raith" in contact with each other through some connections. Fine admitted to being friends with and a former neighbor to "Raith". Fine used to live in California but then relocated to Seattle. Fine volunteered at the Seattle Metaphysical Library for a while until a local chat group that was investigating the Reed UFO Hoax started meeting there.


nursebetty NURSE BETTY: While the true identity of this person has yet to be discovered, this is a witness claiming to have worked with "Dr.Reed" at the University of Washington. Some have alleged that this person is actually Pam McCloud, the publisher of "Dr.Reed's" alien book, but this has yet to be confirmed. This is just one of a few nameless and faceless witnesses that pop up throughout this tale...



Kathy1KATHY: Yet another faceless witness alleging to have worked with "Dr.Reed" at the University of Washington. UFOWATCHDOG.COM has yet to identify this subject, but it is obvious she has never worked with a "Dr.Reed" at the University of Washington...



Valerie VALERIE ELLEN GOULDS (aka Valery the banker): Goulds is reported to be Rutter's current girlfriend and also reported to be the person appearing in the video clip of someone claiming to be 'Valery', "Dr.Reed's" former banker. Goulds was last reported to be residing in Bellevue which is very close to Seattle, Washington.


chris fineCOLE LARSON: The current webmaster for "Dr.Reed's" official website. Not much is known about Larson other than he once worked for Microsoft in Redmond, Washington (so did Dan Iaira). Larson now resides in Nevada and was named as someone who was a witness to the adventures of "Dr.Reed". Larson also has ties to the movie industry through a former business partner...

Isn't it unusual that the majority of folks involved in this all have ties to Seattle or the surrounding area...

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From a page inside of "Dr.Reed's" book, which served as providing a lot of information in locating these people, there is a list of names can put two and two together and easily come up with answer based on the above names.



Now that we've established who the players are, let's take a look at the so-called investigators...

The Reed Files - Part VII

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