Daniel Munoz

A Classic UFO Watchdog article (c) by Royce Myers, III


Assistant to Jaime Maussan, Munoz held a press conference at a university in Mexico and claimed that the Hale Bopp comet was bringing gigantic motherships for a massive evacuation of Earth...that was February 1997 - Hale Bopp has since passed and the Earth is still is one piece...what a surprise. Munoz is supporting the Reed UFO Hoax. UFOWATCHDOG.COM directly contacted Munoz and supplied him with information showing Reed to be a fraud. Munoz's response: "In fact, you also can contact Jaime Maussan through me. Believe me that what we would like the most is to know the real truth about this case, and that's is the main reason we are investigating..." Munoz was asked to provide information about the case, but did not respond to several e-mails from UFOWATCHDOG.COM. SEE: A Closer Look At Reed's Latin American Supporters. SEE: UFOWATCHDOG.COM exclusive exposing the Reed UFO case as a fraud.

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